General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Uploading Subscription

Hi All,


We have just uploaded our subscription file into OpenVPMS and now we cannot send emails from OpenVPMS... Anyone else have this issue and know how to resolve it????

Visit Reason Query


So, I was looking at wanting for force users to select a visit reason because of it's effect on another module we have installed. I had some questions:

1) I have changed out visit reasons so there is no default and then changed the min cardinality of reason to 1 in the act.customerAppointment 1.0 archetype.

2) My actual question is... it is reasonable to use the Venom "Presenting Complaint" codes as my "Visit Reasons"?

Does a report to search by problem exist?

Good afternoon all. 

I cannot locate a report to search by problem. I was hoping that someone might already have one created before I reinvent the wheel.

Thanks in advance.


Product Import



Is there any way to import data into OpenVPMS for products so I can add new products as well as fill out existing fields such as classification, dispensing, discount tabs etc, rather than manually having to do it one by one?


I have read somewhere about using Kettle, but just wondering if there is a user-friendly guide to using this or perhaps a template with all the product fields for OpenVPMS that someone has already created that we can simply fill out and use?


Many thanks


Patient List Report


Can anyone help making a change to the Patient List Report.  It lists patients multiple times if they have had more than one patient owner.

The field should be searching for patients with the CURRENT owner - not previous owners.



Weisis with Version 1.8

Hi guys,

Our Weisis doesn't seem to be working since upgrading to OpenVPMS Version 1.8 and Tomcat Version 7.

I think Tony wrote the ODI, but wondering if there is something we needed to do from our end to get Weisis to connect again.

Also, we are getting Smart Flow Sheet so will need to Upgrade to Version 1.9 Beta, so are wondering if the Weisis will work with that version?



Stock take


I need to do a stock-take. What is the best way to do this? Can I export the stock in a CSV document, correct the stock on this file and import it back into OpenVPMS. I have searched the help area but can't find a good description of how to do this. I have also checked in Products/Stock management but having difficulty finding this. Under Information I can export to A CSV and correct prices but not quanities. Can anyone direct me. Do we need to upgrade our version?



Should reversing transaction have the same date as the reversed one

[Posted in the users forum to warn of a potential problem].

When you reverse a payment (in 1.8 and later) the reversing transaction gets the current date.

Hence if you find that payment dated say 28/9 is wrong and reverse it on the 2/10 then the reversing transaction will get the date 2/10.

If you now print the customer's September statement it will complain loudly about a Hidden Transaction mismatch because one of the pair is in the statement period but the other is not.

Questions about the Practice Summary and KPI reports

Q1. It has been bought to my attention that the Practice Summary report and the Key Performance Indicators report show Invoice totals in different ways. The Practice Summary counts invoice line items that do not have a patient recorded in the OTC column.  The KPI report counts invoice totals irrespective of whether some line items have no patient specified.

Although the explanatory text documents this behaviour, I was asked why the totals differed.

Should any changes be made to make things clearer? [My vote is No.]

Reporting - How to counting number of patients with invoice items where there multiple units for an item

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone has already created or has ideas on how to do a "sale report - count invoice items" (between a date range),which includes the number of times the item is charged, not a count of the number of invoices or item counts.

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