General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Dell Printers

I have tried unsuccessfully for 3 weeks to order a new printer cartridge for a 3330dn printer. It does not show up in the online ordering on the Australian Dell website, but does show up on the US site.  Their customer service is ZERO.


Has anyone had a similar issue. Can I get these cartridges anywhere else?

Otherwise, advice on a replacement, NON-DELL printer might be appropriate?



Electronic S8 Register

Hi Users

I have been contacted by a company who have created an Electronic S8 Register.  This has currently been approved by the Board of Vet Surgeons in 2 States and finalising approval for NSW.  It is used currently in human pharmaceuticals.

They are very interested in interfacing with OPEN.  If users are interested i can pass the details to the developers?  No more trying to remember to keep your book up to date for sales and purchases!!

Please let me know your thoughts

Problem with SMS reminders

Hi all,

I've got SMS set up and working fine through test messages and sending from the customer screen.

I've tried to set up a test reminder to check SMS is working by having it checked in the reminder type for that reminder count, plus also have some text in the template it is linked to.

When I hit send all it just populates a list of reminders rather than sending any SMS. It also doesn't affect the reminder count, nor do I get any errors.

Has anyone got this working and can offer some insights?



Improved Search facilities

We have improved the documentation search facilities as follows:

1. We have split the help for each OpenVPMS version into separate 'books'.

2. If you search for something (using the search block at the top right) then in the Search Results page, you can click the Books tab, and then click on the 'Book search options' heading to select which books to search.

OT - survey for Language Testing Research Centre at The University of Melbourne

Hi all,

a friend of mine is running a Spoken interactions in the workplace survey for health professionals  for the Language Testing Research Centre at The University of Melbourne. She is looking participants from veterinary science.

Customer Sales Report by Catehory

Is there currently any way to extract sales data from a subset of customers as directed by their "Category" status?


If not, could we rejig the Customer Sales Report to include Classification into it?





Export Product Details


Does anyone know the reason why the Mark Up is not included in the export product details?  How are users changing mark ups in Bulk?

Is is possible to add this to the detail?



emailing news letters to clients

Hi, we have never used open vpms to send emails before. We would like to email all of our clients a newsletter but I dont know where to look to find out how to do it.

I would appreciate any help you can give me

Thanks, Jane

emailing news letters to clients

Hi, we have never used open vpms to send emails before. We would like to email all of our clients a newsletter but I dont know where to look to find out how to do it.

I would appreciate any help you can give me

Thanks, Jane

Export templates


i no longer have the original templates used for my reminders etc is there a way to export the data back to a template file? 

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