General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Alert Reports


Does anyone have a report that pulls data to show Customer or Patient Alerts?


Vaccination Updates

I would ask all users be aware that currently if you bill an item to a client that has a reminder attached to it and that reminder autocompletes another reminder on the patients file - if you later delete that item (eg you billed the wrong type of vaccination ) while the newly created reminder will also be rolled back the existing reminder will remain complete (even though it actually wasnt completed)  You system will NOT send reminders for that particular event as it believes you have done it.

Printing Investigations

I have a problem with printing certain documents. These are investigation results when printing from the documents tab.

- External investigations are automatically uploaded into OVPMS. When I go to the documents tab and select the investigation and press "Print" the correct default printer is automatically selected.

- Internal investigations are also automatically uploaded into OVPMS. However when I go to the documents tab and select these investigations and press "Print" the wrong printer is selected (a label printer).

Schedule Times

Hi guys,

I'm wondering if it would be possible to have the schedule set up changed a little bit.

I am not sure if this would benefit anyone else, but perhaps other clinics do surgeries in the middle of the day like we do.

We currently consult in the surgery department until midday. Then the surgeons are in theater and not consulting again until 4:30pm. This time (12pm-4:30pm) is just blank everyday on our schedule. 

Patient history search report? Where?

Hi brains trust,

I am chasing the patient history search report and can find the notes but no report.  I have been through all the reports on the C: drive which accompanied the installation and still no joy.

Thanks in advance..

Dr Rupert Mothersole

Rosabrook Vet Services.

Authority to add a new suburb


This is a really simple one, but I can't figure it out.

I would like to make is so that anyone (not just administrators) can add a new suburb to OpenVPMS.

Where do I change this?




Hi guys,

This is an old issue I am just wondering if there has been any development with it or if there's a way we could make it work.

We have our Pathology forms linked to investigations. The way it works is:

1. Add the pathology charge to the patients invoice

2. The investigation is automatically added (as the pathology charge has an investigation type selected)

Integration Experiences - Cubex

Many users may not realise that OVPMS is increasingly able to integrate with a number of 3rd party systems/products. I am writing this post to highlight our experiences with various systems that integrate with OVPMS.

Just to give some background. We operate a 24 hour emergency & specialist centre in Sydney. We are a fairly small clinic with about 7FTE vets. My belief is the most common piece of equipment anyone uses in the clinic is our PMS and this is a massive area for efficiency gains in our business.

Integration Experiences - SmartFlowSheet

Many users may not realise that OVPMS is increasingly able to integrate with a number of 3rd party systems/products. I am writing this post to highlight our experiences with various systems that integrate with OVPMS.

Just to give some background. We operate a 24 hour emergency & specialist centre in Sydney. We are a fairly small clinic with about 7FTE vets. My belief is the most common piece of equipment anyone uses is our PMS and this is a massive area for efficiency gains in our business.

Customer Orders - development

Hi guys,

We are new to the customer orders tab (have had CubeX for only a couple of months now), but the system isn't working brilliantly for us and a lot of things are getting stuck and missing in this system.

I am wondering how hard it would be to make the orders automatically push into the invoice. I think other systems have it so they push into the invoice and the staff member 'unticks' or removes the item, rather than having to 'invoice items' each time.

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