General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

What do you want to see in OpenVPMS 1.9?

Hi all,

now that OpenVPMS 1.8 is out, what new features would you like to see in the next major release, OpenVPMS 1.9?

The following features are currently included:

No print/email button for finalized estimates

I noticed that there is not a print/email button to allow printing and/or emailing of finalized estimates directly out of open. I am hoping that this is a quick development. Would anyone else be interested in seeing this added?

ESCI Price Updates


Asking for a friend ;)

We don't use the ESCI for orders, however, I have had a question asked of me and I THINK I have the answer by looking at the CSH.... but want to make 100% sure I am correct...

The question is: If a delivery comes through from a wholesaler, and the cost price (i.e. price from the wholesaler) has changed, will this automatically update the price in OVPMS?

I think the answer is: Yes, If the Auto-Price Update flag is checked.

However I just wanted to make sure....


Altering appointment type length


I'm trying to alter default appointment type length on our system and cannot work out how to do it.

Date Macro Query


We would like to insert dates into some macros that are relative to another date...

That is... we would like a macro that reads something like...

"Please take Fluffy back to your regular vet on Monday 14th September to have her stitches removed"


"Monday 14th September" is generated by taking the visit date and adding 10 days....

We have other variations of this where we would like to take a date and add 3 days or 6 weeks etc.

Reminder SMS vs Appointment Reminder SMS

Hi team,

We are implementing the new SMS Reminders from V1.8 and wonder if there is any way that this could be used for Appointment SMS reminders ? I presume SMS reminders are only sent when the report is run, say for annual vaccinations, blood tests, etc and thus would be inappropriate for a pre-set Appointment reminder to automatically remind owners via SMS that they have an appointment, say the next day (correct me if I am wrong here). I also see there are a couple of projects for:

Key Performance Indicators beta test

A beta test version of the KPI report [requires 1.8] is attached. I would like feedback on which stats should have a period-to-period % change show. [Please don't say all - there are some 37 statistics and with 4 periods displayed - so that is another 3x37=111 fields to add to the report.]

Free Appointment Slots Function

We have tried this at both our practices. At the quieter practice with more empty slots, it runs really quickly. At the busier one, it runs really slowly and stalls the system for other users as well.


Any clues about what will help it run quickly at both sites?

JasperReports Error when opening Invoice


I am just trying to open our invoice jrxml to make a small change (the .au is missing of the end of our email address). However whenever I try to open the invoice jrxml in JasperReports I get the following error....

If anyone could assist me in deciphering this and help me correct whatever is wrong so I can continue on to the world's smallest edit, that would be appreciated.



Appointment reason

We have recently upgraded and staff are not happy that the appointment reason drop down has disappeared.

is there a way to get this back?

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