General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Multiple reminders for single patient failing(?)

Greeting All,

I've been working through the process for generating reminders and have been testing in our practice version of OVPMS.  I have the individual templates, group reminders, print and email versions and almost everything else working.

email reminder subject and body

I've set up our reminder templates including the email subject and body, however when we go to email the reminders under the report section it puts the actual template name as the subject rather than the email subject field within the template. Any ideas why this is happening?


Also can you bulk email the reminders from the report reminder list, or does it have to be done one by one manually?



Microchip Implantation

Some new federal guidelines regarding animal exporting were dropped in my lap yesterday, they are suggesting that 2 extra details be reported when recording animal microchips

1. Date of Implant which is currently recorded on most databases or Date of Scanning

   This represents the date you as a vet first recorded the chip in a  given patient.

2. Location of Implant 

    This represents the location of the chip when you scanned it approximately.


Interactive Whiteboard


Does anyone use Interactive Whiteboards in their clinic?

We are looking at converting to them and wonder what their functionality would be with OpenVPMS.

My idea would be to have a specific Work List View for the whiteboard loaded on an ipad. This ipad could be mounted on the wall next to the IWB but removed during rounds so the worklist could be updated. Or even carried into our Surgery Prep area during the day. Ideally the worklist could also be edited/viewed from any teminal in the clinic so everyone could see where patient treatments were at.

Customer Insurance Macro


I have been trying to create a macro so I can insert the Customer Insurance name into an email we send to clients when we start to generate a claim for them.

I have been unable to achieve this.

The expression I was using was


was someone able to help me and let me know what I have been doing wrong?



Electronic invoice interface Idexx

It has been suggested that the way to get the ESCI supplier interface working for Idexx is if enough Open VPMS users support it Idexx might act on it. The interface works now for a number of suppliers including Provet and Cenvet. I am not sure if there are enough users who want this feature but hopefully there is.

404 not found error Tomcat


  Sometimes when I try to open openvpms in a new tab in firefox, I get a "404 not found error".


The behaviour only occurs when I try to launch an additional tab, after I have logged into Openvpms on another tab.


Anyone else have this issue?  Is there an easy Tomcat switch to allow multiple open tabs?



Prescription for non-stocked drugs

Greetings all...

I've been asked to prepare a template for presciptions that clients can fill at a local pharmacy.  These would normally be issued in the case when the clinic does not stock that particular drug.

Improvement - Checkin workflow updates appointment

Currently the checkin workflow utilizes an option where the patient weight is entered.  An additional drop down on this page allows the staff member to select a clinician who will see the animal.  

Selecting this sets the clinician on the visit in the patient history but leaves the clinician associated with the appointment blank.

I propose that this value be backported into the appointment.  This will improve reporting as well as allow the workflow to show which clinician the client expects tio see.

Estimates yielding negative values

Greetings All...

I've run into an issue that I thought I could take care with a simple template fix.  Maybe I still can with a bit of additional guidance.

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