General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Feature requests

I have a couple feature requests from our staff that I'd like to pass along:

1. Add some notification that there are notes on a customer account (not patient). We're using alerts for some things, but other things are just logged as notes. The staff won't remember to look in notes all the time, so having some indicator that notes are available would be good for business. I'm thinking of something like the little bell that shows up for patient alerts/reminders.

2. Here's a write-up from the staff on the second item:


HI there ,

we are a new subscribers to the OPENVPMS

We have managed to install the latest version of 1.7 on windows 8

BUT we have encountered few issues

1-when we creat an invoice the GST amount does not seem to be added to all items -some items will show the GST while others won't- though GST is active on the system

2-when we add more than one  reminder to a patient , the existing reminder gets deleted and replaced by the new one (will not take more than one reminder/patient)

3-How to set up group reminders

Default not to have Charges box ticked in patient summary screen


We would prefer to have the "Charges" box un-ticked/de-selected by defauly in the patient summary sceens.

Can someone tell us how to achieve this?



Printing patient history - can we default to NOT including charges ?

When nurses print patient history they often forget to untick patient charges - can we set a default to NOT include charges ?

Reference in Till Balance


Can anyone tell me what I need to put in my jasper report to print the "Reference" in the Till Balance.

I have changed the archetype for act.customerAccountPayment.1.0 in Reference to minimum cardinality = 1.

This is so staff cannot complete a payment without putting in their initials.

So, I would like the 'Reference' (staff initials) to print on the till balance.

I have attached my jrxml docucment 'Till Balance'



Lost Line Breaks


hopefully this is a pretty simple problem someone can help us out with.  We are running openVPMS on a cloud server.  On one workstation (running windows 7), line breaks in notes show up in the summary screen, but if the note is edited, the line breaks are lost until the edit is saved.  This is not an issue on the other machines with the same operating system.  It doesn't seem to matter if we use chrome or firefox.  Any thoughts?


Strike Through on schedule view once completed

Would anyone else see the benefit of having the strike through on the schedule view once the consult is completed?

Can't select Task Type

I want to add a visit without an appointment, eg to be able to dispense medication.

I click Scheduling | Work Lists | Click on empty line | "New" button at bottom then select client and patient.

I click on the Binoculars to change task type from Consultation to something else: I'm given only one option - Consultation.

Schedule Times



Is there any way to block days on the scheduler, say when the practice is closed on Sundays? 

And can we have different hours for saturday than during the week?

If so, how would I set this up?


Many thanks,



Different options for products and reminders

We are re-doing our products and reminders. We have looked at different forum posts and in concepts and context sensitive help but still have a few questions.

What is the optimal type of product (class) to have for a product, such as a vaccination, which needs a reminder?

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