General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Editing Patient Clinical Event Template

I have been trying to add clinic details to the patient clinical event.jrxml file for emailing. I'm finding that when I add the clinic details to the title band the detail bands disappear and only Detail 1 remains. Not sure why this is happening can anyone help me with this?

Editing Patient Clinical Event Template

I have been trying to add clinic details to the patient clinical event.jrxml file for emailing. I'm finding that when I add the clinic details to the title band the detail bands disappear and only Detail1 remains. Not sure why this is happening can anyone help?

Trying OpenVPMS



I have successfully installed OpenVPMS locally on a Windows computer to be able to learn how it works and how to implement it in the vet clinic ( I am not working for any, just helping friends decide what system to use).  I would like to compliment the installation how to - it was very detailed .

While we try out OpenVPMS is there a limitation with the trial version? 


Thank you very much.

Old Windows Termtecks looking for a home

Hi all, firstly let me say that I don't want the forum to become a classifieds section so please tell me if this is inappropriate.

We have just managed to get away from our Windows Terminal server and have replaced all of our Windows Termtecks with tiny PC's to run OpenVPMS. We have 14 of these looking for a good home along with 11 power supplies (the power supplies don't last as long as the units themselves).

Default settings for generating orders


When generating orders to reduce the likelihood of staff incorrectly pressing OK with ALL Stock Locations and ALL Suppliers selected I would like to propose the following:

Default settings changed to - 

Stock Location NONE

Supplier NONE

Generate orders for stock

  • at or below critical levels


All Stock Locations and All Suppliers would still remain on the drop down menu but at the bottom rather than as the default.

Till Balancing Sheet

We are having a little bit of trouble with the till balancing sheet.

I’ve been finding if we ever credit part of an invoice the original payment does not come up on the till balancing reporting sheet even though the client has paid.

Any suggestions?

Can't open OpenVPMS

Hi, I can't get past the login screen to open OpenVPMS, using Firefox (which I normally use), Chrome or IE.

When I try & open the program, the login page appears, but after I add in my username & password & try to open the program, I get the error messages shown in the attachments.

Prior to this problem occurring, I had tried to print an invoice, but got a different (smaller) screen than usually occurs, so I closed the program and rebooted my computer to see if that would solve the problem.

Google Chrome incompatibility issue

Hi all,

the latest version of Google Chrome (39.0.2171.65 m) is incompatible with the OpenVPMS web application. If you use Google Chrome, turn off auto updates to avoid updating to this release. If you have already updated, you will need to revert to an earlier release, or use Firefox.

A typical error displayed is: "An application error has occurred, your system has been reset".

Tray selection issue when printing from document prompt.


Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing an issue with printer tray selection when printing from document prompts?

I have set up most of our documents to print to a certain tray which works fine when printing manually (e,g. from patient documents), however when OpenVPMS prompts you (with the pop-up box) to print certain documents, the tray selection isn't working!?

Would love to know if anyone has a solution, or perhaps this is a bug that needs to be fixed in the next version?



Reminders set up

I'm having trouble generating reminders.

I've set up reminder type and there's a template in place, everything appears to be correct. When I go to reporting/reminders and find the reminders for a period, it brings up a list of reminders that are all due to go out, but the final collumn says 'skip' - this i dont understand.

also when i then try to 'send all' and it prompts with 'generate reminders?' and I ok, it says 'no reminders to generate for the selected period'.

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