General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Printing Forms & Letters on Patient Transfer


I am wondering if it is possible to promt for printing patient forms and letters when transfering patients from one worklist to another?

It is mentioned here but I can't see how to achieve this (looked in CSH and searched).

What we would like to achieve...

Recurring appointments feature

Hi everyone!

Was wanting to check in and see if anyone had written the code to allow a recurring appointment in the appointment books, instead of having the put repeating appointments in manually.

Thanks so much!




Invoicing lock-out

Hi all

Just hoping to get some support for a change to the ability to access an invoice while another user is invoicing. This drives me mad as our receptionist/nurses go through the check-out procedure while I am still invoicing. In case you have not experienced this, the only solution is to cancel the invoice and to start again. 

Why the %$##@ would it be useful to allow one user to crash another user's invoicing party?

changes to investigation view since version 1.7

Since we updated to version 1.7, we have been enjoying the clinician column in the investigations screen.  The only problem is that the view defaults to "all" when it used to default to "in progress".  Is there any way to change this, as it is annoying to have to do it manually everytime this area is accessed?

Product Code or Barcode on a report

Anyone know if its possible to return a product code or barcode on a report...


ie Product.entity.identity[0] or

openvpms.get(Product.entity, 'code')


Looking for a way to return a code/barcode on a report 



Deleting cancelled orders

I have had a few orders made in error as we learn the system, but despite them being given a 'cancelled' status, they still appear in the orders list. It would be nice to make them go away, but I don't seem to be able to find a way. Also, they still come up when I call up a new delivery from the same supplier... They can be ignored, but they really clutter up the system - anyone know how to get rid of these?



Approaches to consider for new or existing system setup

Hi all,

I compiled some notes after helping a Vet to rescue his system and understanding some of the problems faced by Vets in choosing and running their computer systems.

This is not deeply technical but more about the important options you can consider in setting up and running your practice systems reliably with low cost and stress.

I have attached a word document hoping it may be useful to some.

Best Regards




I use open in 2 clinics, and in one some of my macros have stopped working, is it a setting? they are all the drug frequency ones like @bid, @sid, any suggestion?

thanks Ralph

Report Renovation

I have just committed to provide the 1.8 release with improved replacements for the current Stock Reorder Report.  I am considering renovating the other reports in the standard set so as to include where appropriate:

How To topics

The Context Sensitive Help system provides help for most screens, together with introduction, concepts, and reference sections.

There would seem be a need for a 'How To' section that provides recipes for doing various things so that one can understand what steps are necessary.  As with most documentation, this will be of greater benefit to new OpenVPMS users and new staff at existing user practices.

This is being built as part of the 1.8 CSH system - see

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