General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Invoice/ Receipt

Having just come over from Visual Vetaid. Would anyone else like a receipted invoice. This show the amount the client has paid inrelation to the a particular invoice and then has the total balance at the bottom either of $0 or what is left to pay. Just as you get when you go to a supermarket etc ( not that the supermarket lets you go without paying). Having a receipted invoice would save a little time and paper.

I also find the reciepts that prints difficult when the customer has paid by cash.

Desexing Reminders

When you have a desexing reminder on a patient and they come in for desexing does it automaticly come off that patient. If not is there away to make the reminder remove automaticly or does it alway have to be done manually.

Till Balance

Was just wonering if anyone else has notice a problem with the Total Till Balance not equaling. I will explain. TOTAL CASH + TOTAL CHQS + TOTAL EFTPOS + TOTAL CREDIT CARD do not equal TOTAL BALANCE. It seems that this only occurs when their have been refunds processed during the till balancing period. (i.e. if any refunds have been processed during the till balancing period then TOTAL CASH + TOTAL CHQS + TOTAL EFTPOS + TOTAL CREDIT CARD do not equal TOTAL BALANCE.) However for periods where there were no refunds during the till balancing period then the problem doesn't occur.

Breed not adding to new client

When i go to add on a new client and their animal ( Dog or Cat) i am unable to put the breed of the animal on it keeps defulting to none. You can add the rest of the details and then apply, then go back in and edit.
It will then let you put the breed on. We have tried this on different computers, with different user names and different staff and it keep happening. Was all working ok on the demo model we were using before going live and was also working on monday when we went live, started not working Yesterday.
Is anyone else having trouble with this and what can we do to fix.

User levels

Could someone please explain how the user levels work?

If one has a user level of 5 can they only access items with a user level of 5 or below or is it the other way around (ie. 5 and above)?

Many thanks,
Matt Y.

Microchip number searches

Does anyone know how to search for microchip numbers?

Clinician sales report

When I try to run the Clinician Sales Report a window pops up with Error, Document not found. Any suggestions to make the report run correctly ?

popup dialog windows are inaccessible on small screens

When using my laptop to access openvpms the dialogue windows have a fixed width which is larger than the exisiting page size. That makes the buttons on the bottom of the dialogue window unreachable.

My screen resolution is 1280 x 800. I have attached a screenshot of an affected dialogue window. I have previously helped out another user with a similar issue. Modifying the default stylesheet and changing the height of the dialogue windows fixes the issue as a temporary workaround, but we probably need to find a better permanent fix.

Investigations Module: Funding Update!

Hi everyone,

This post relates to the the Investigations Workgroup (

The latest development from this group has been detailed here ( and this post is to tell everyone that this has been fully funded and development is underway!

Drug Price update

When altering an invoice in orders/deliveries ie changing price or bag size - the product file seems to add another supplier with those updated details instead of using the current supplier already listed?
So the particular product has a list of 3-4 suppliers instead of 1 or 2


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