General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Deactivated Animals


Can anyone please tell why animals that are deceased or deactivated are still coming up when you do a search for a client.
I have an animal that has been put on twice under the same surname, but different first name and the same animal.
Now i have end ownership of the animal with one client and it no longer comes up when you are in that client file but when you do a search for that surname and animal i get two options coming up and you can not tell which one is right until you have gone into the client.

Template for Refunds

Can someone tell me what the name for the Refund template is? I can't find it and if staff try to print one I get a collection error.

Matt C

Keyboard shortcut for Print dialog

Hi everyone,
Whilst we have been talking about the print dialog recently, it has occurred to me that in the billing process, the print action of a label is the only mandatory mouse action. Would others find a print keyboard shortcut useful here?

Matt C

Being logged out of forums


On numerous occassions recently I have received the message "web page expired" as I've been moving around the forums. eg: add or read a post and then click on the back arrow, get the web page has expired message, have to log in again over and over again.

It's getting to the point where it's incredibly frustrating and I've lost several lengthly posts when I've attached something and then viewed the attachment and tried to go back. Can someone tell me if this has something to do with my computer, trouble with the openvpms website or an internet provider?


Managed to create a Ireport that hangs OpenVPMS

Hey guys,
I'm not sure why but while testing this ireport created Patient Letter I managed to create a consistent hang in OpenVPMS.

I was testing what happened when text was forced into a second page. To do this I had expanded the font in a couple of the parameter fields and filled them with text. When the text fits on one page this template works fine. As soon as text wants to wrap around the app will hang.

The report is an interesting one.

It contains some fun things like working conditional headers and text blocks.

The inclusion of rich text editing into OpenVPMS

Hi everyone,
It sure has been a busy day in the OpenVPMS forums!

I have been keen for some time to ask others what they might think about the possibility of enhancing text editing in OpenVPMS.
Currently we can only enter text as plain text, ie. no formatting.

Development Digest

Hi guys,
Not to add too many emails to your in boxes today (Go Doggies! Sorry Tony V.) but I thought I would provide a summary of how the active development areas of the project are currently placed.

We have the following projects fully funded and completed (awaiting deployment):
1. Grouped Reminders and other refinements of the reminder system
2. Autocapitalisation
3. Investigation Management - Request form generation and linking to Billing
4. Recent Customer List

We have the following partially funded projects. These will not proceed to development until fully funded.

Apologies for the large numbers of emails coming out this morning.

Hi to all OpenVPMS users,

This morning you have probably received a large number of emails from the forums or mailing lists. Unfortunately the systems have not been operating properly and so there was a queue of 18 posts which had not been processed. The emails you have received this morning are from those posts and the situation has now been resolved.

I apologise for any inconvenience or worry, the situation has been resolved so this will not occur again.

I also apologise to those users that have replied to the forums via email and have not had it show on the website until now.

Entering delivery items slows page 2

When adding delivered items under the Suppliers/deliveries workspace we are finding the process essentially grinds to a halt if we enter much more than a page(15 or so items) of entries. Trying to add additional items can take over 30 seconds for each subsequent step (compared to instantaneous for the first 15) and takes progressively longer sometimes causing it to error out (sorry cant remember what it said - think it reset the screen).

Transfering Patients

Morning All

Can anyone tell me is there a way to transfer patients in the scheduling from one column to another ie from one vet or consult room to another vet or consult room without having to delete the appointment and re entering in the new column. You are able to do this is the worklist it would be great and time saving if you could having a transfer option in scheduling.

Thanks Joss

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