General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Deceased and active tick boxes & text entries into other fields?

Hi all,
Does anyone else have problems with people inadvertently ticking the deceased box? - same could apply to active.

Could a rule apply that unless a date is stipulated in the box below, the entry won't be accepted (perhaps if it also allowed you to type in text such as unknown, rather than just a date in the field, so you dont have to make up a date)?

In the case of the active/inactive, leave the designation where it is but place the decision box on a more obscure tab? Or as an alternative could we make it that only admin can alter active/inactive?

drug label error printing

Hi every one,
I have the Open VPMS installed in the main server, consult room computer is networked to main server. When we try to print a drug label for any selected medication from the networked computer in consult room, the open VPMS will preview a different drug and different customer from the one was selected

Seeing dispensing units during invoicing

Hi everyone,

Just thinking that it would be really good to be able to see the dispensing units during invoicing (eg whether it be the price for per tablet or bottle, as some things it may not always be obvious), but it also acts as a reminder and also cuts down on inventory items instead of having a bottle price and a tablet price

Storing attachments and docs

Just a quick question : when you put an attachment on a patient file eg microscope image or scanned doc; is it actually physically attached to the file or is it a query to locate the attachment at another site?

I guess my main question is whether you can delete an image from the main directory folder where it has been uploaded once it is attached to Open VPMS or will Open VPMS then not be able to find it?


Drop Down List - Speed

Hi All... :) 

In most OpenVPMS installs I have seen the drop down lists (suburb, species, breed etc) allow you to type 2 to 3 characters (depending on how fast a typer you are!) before it resets. I have just encountered a clinic where you are not able to type more than one character before it resets. It makes working in these lists very cumbersome. 

Version 1.4

Hi Tim, Tony and Co... :) 

I have some clinics who are looking forward to some of the features allocated to V1.4 and are enquiring about proposed release date. Is there any tentative date available yet for the release of V1.4?


Workflow Consult Process

Morning All ... :)

Just a couple of ideas relating to the WORKFLOW / CONSULT process. 

Adding New Customers

Morning All :) 

Just two little queries relating to adding new customers... :) 

Reporting discussion

Our practice would like to start monitoring the financial information in a more meaningful way and start tracking different KPIs (key performance indicators) to allow tracking of different programs we are introducing.

Species Filter on Products

Morning All... :) 

It seems that assigning species on the SPECIES tab in PRODUCTS / INFORMATION doesn't filter the products to species when billing. Would be great if this could be added to the JIRA... :) 

Cheers :) 
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