General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Add Clients


I was wondering yet again about something.

In our old system when you were adding a new client (even if you have already asked them if they have been here before and they say NO.) if it turns out they have - a message use to appear as you were add " this client is already on the data base do you wish to continue adding".
Is it possible for this feature to be avaliable on openvpms to stop the doubling up of client details.

search by invoice number

Is it possible to search for a client account by the invoice number?


Emailing History


Can anyone tell me is it possible to email a patient history to someone.
PS in computer challenged.

Patient Check In

Morning All

I was just wondering how everyone get around the fact that when checking in a patient to hospital or for surgery that if you print the hospital cage cage at the Select document stage that the weight recorded on the cage card is from the previous visit and not the new update weight from the New Weight Screen that is seen afterward.
I know that you can skip printing the Hospital Cage Card put in the weight and go to dodument and print the cage card but this seem to me like extra steps.

Printing Patient History

Hi Everyone,

Was Just wondering if anyone can tell 1. if it is possible and 2. How to do it.
I would like to be able to put the clinic letterhead on the first page only of the patient history when you print it. We use to use pre printed letterheads, but i am hoping that openvpms can do it for me.


SMS Project

Hi Everyone,

Given the recent conversation on email functionality I thought it would be opportune to discuss SMS functionality as well.

I have been thinking about this and the actual SMS functionality itself is pretty straight forward. Sign up with a SMS provider and then provide a mechanism for the user to compose an SMS and send through the providers interface. The complication is, like with so many other things, every provider has a different interface (no standard as yet) which would require development of some kind.

List of Topics that have been Jira'd


As we identify area's we would like worked on/improved, request additional features and have discussion these are often jira'd.

I find it hard to keep track of what items have been jira'd, is there somewhere we can view a list of what has been jira'd since the last release.

It would be great to see the list, have a look at where they're at, when they are due to be completed, the ORDER OF PREFERENCE, etc.

Is this possible?


Euthanasia deactivating patients?

I have noticed when checking euthanased patients that though they are marked as Deceased and have a deceased date they are still ticked as active.
Does this mean they will be returned on searches as an active patient or does the deceased tick prevent this.




I was wondering when creating documents if there was a feild yet for mobile phone numbers if the person does not have a home contact it will defult to the preferred contact or next available. We have lots of clients that do dont have home numbers and i would like their contact to appear on the cage cards if possible.


Bubbles on schedule


Has there been a fix for the bubbles on the schedule continuing off the page out of the line of view. The notes that are typed there are difficult to see, I thought? that the note bubbles were going to be directed in towards the middle of the screen and not off the screen. Is someone able to give me an update, maybe it's been done and we haven't changed it on our system?


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