General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Appointment Reason

Morning All

Can anyone shed some light on why my appointment reasons are changing from the sceduling to the work list.

Let me explain - in the reason section the appointment is for ears when you check in to work list all of a sudden the appointment reason is EATS.
Very strange.
Also all the dashes - turn into _ . Ie x-ray turns into x_ray.
Yearly injection that has no dash turns into Yearly_injection.
Anyone know how to fix or why this is happening, or is it just mine that is doing this.

Thanks again

Staff Time Off

Hi all

Yes its me again. I was just wondering how everyone else block off their vet on the work flow. I am wondering this as i black them out using an appointment type i created call time off and the put in the times they are not avaliable. The problem with this is for some reason when you change the time ie to afternoon or eveningetc it seems that the blackout no longer apears on some of my vets. I dont get it. HELP


New User


Was wondering if someone can tell me - when you go into document and get a document to print for a patient do you have to in the status box complete. I dont remember talking about this during training session - all of ours are in progress on all client that we have printed things for since going live. ( is this a major problem )
Thanks for any assistance.


Reminder Report


I was wondering if it was possible to get the reminder report to print without the cancelled clients appearing on it. I use the report to contact client that do not come for their appointment. It would be much easier if only the clients that i sent reminders to appeared on this report. Can we make this happen.


Clean Up Spelling

Hi All

When you are doing clean ups in the system - incorrect spelling ie of mls, bottle, tablet, breeds etc. in Visual Vetaid you were able to go in and delete but when you did it ask you to enter a new value so that the incorrect spelling is replace by something else.

ie bottel replace all with bottle.

This is helpful when cleaning up so you don't end up with alot of blank spaces. This is something that i would love to see looked at for future systems.


Summary Panel

Hi All

Merge Fields

Was wondering if it was possible to get a merge field so that if the person does not have a home number that it will find another number ie mobile and use that. It is just that when i print a Hospital Cage Card and the client does not have a home phone number it just leave the space blank. It would be nice to have a merge field where it look for another number. I have tried putting mobile as the prefered number but this doesn't seem to help.


Product Manufacturer

One of the uses of the investigations module will be to produce reports for Product manufacturers regarding their individual sales. Currently there is not specific place in the products page for a manufacturer to be listed. I presume it could be added under the identities tab but am unsure of how to add another identity type - advice?

Also, on setup - we have different length appointments for different appointment types - eg 20 minute or 30 minute consults, 10 minute rechecks etc - I need to edit some of these but cannot find them in the admin menu - please advise



Clickable Links for Customer contacts

This idea was mooted in our User forums;

"...Clients have as contacts both email addresses and Mobile Phone numbers - surely these could be made as links so that if clicked on they could open up a new email message or for mobiles open up Outlook so that one of the many communication programs that link to Outlook can send an sms..."

Its a really nice simple idea. How do the developers see this working? Would other users like to see this type of functionality become a reality?

Product Management Workspace

This was posted by Nick who is a great and frequent contributor to our forums...

"...The product management area REALLY needs some input - we use it a lot and it is especially difficult and time consuming adjusting prices especially when food or pathology companies give you a long list of price increases (or when we put our own fees up). Please can we put this on the development list to enable an item list of some sort such that you can keep choosing each next item without having to go back through the whole select procedure for every item..."

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