General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Drug Label not using printed name on label only on invoice


When adding a product on OpenVPMS there are 2 x name fields, NAME (top field) and PRINTED NAME. One of our vets has just picked up that the 'Printed Name' text prints on the invoice but 'NAME' field text prints on the drug label.

Can it be arranged that the printed name prints everywhere and that the plain NAME top field does not print anywhere?


label printing

to day we have bought a new Seiko SLP 440 to replace out Epson LX 300 dot matrix printer which I have al lot of problem with , we could not set the size of the label and it would waste many labels before printing. So I looked at your comments and decided to try the Seiko but the issue I have when I try to print a label it will only print as portrait not landscape and it will not show the full details of main clinic (half cut)

Dispensing Label error

When printing Dispensing Label, error occurs, "Expression Error" appears, instead of customer name, when Customer is an Organisation, can this be corrected.
Cheers Sue

re subscriptions

Hi All, This is just a gentle reminder to any of you who are installing or have installed OpenVPMS in your clinic that you need to be a current subscriber to our organisation, this is an essential requirement of the license. I think there may be some confusion about how and to whom this is payable.

Adding Countries to the Lookups in Openvpms


I want to add the New Zealand to our lookups and the suburb South Auckland.

At present we have other countries added but they are all entered under the address field under locations contact as three or so lines of text with STATE set as 'none' and SUBURB set as 'none'. This prints out strangely.

We had no countries under lookups, I added New Zealand, but no country field appears under contacts to fill in. NULL also appears as the suburb/state on the printed invoice.

How do I get a country field to appear in the locations contact area?


Error when saving edited template

One of our vets is getting the error message 'failed to validate clinician of act clinican-value is required' when he is trying to save a template that he has edited. The clinician has been filled out in both areas on the invoice. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going wrong?


Editing reminders for patients

Our worming reminders are set to go out every 3 months. In some instances for example puppy worming reminders are due fortnightly or monthly in this case we don't want the 3 month reminders to go on the system.

To get around the default 3 month reminder do we have to go to the patient -reminders/alerts tab and cancel or edit the reminder each time we charge for a pup or kitten worming treatment OR is there an easier way around this?


Patient Merging Error


I am trying to merge 2 patients that are currently under the same owner file.
I keep getting the attached error.

Does anyone have any idea how to overcome this?


Help with Stock Take Report

Trying to get Tony 's stocktake report to work. Downloaded it comes down as an xml file so opened in ireport and saved a jrmxl then attached it as normal to a report template.

Preview however only gives a bank page opening in acrobat when try it from reports. I can view stock nos, under admin/stock location/products but not sure why it wont appear as a report.

Cheers Geoff

Re: Australia / New Zealand user

Hi All, I would like to see it including prospective users and a per practice vote as that will reflect the wishes of individual (potential) installations. Peter

On Sat, 9 May 2009 13:08:42 +1000, Matt Young


> We can definately do a poll on the website using drupal's poll modules. > Do we want to restrict this to subscribers? Or include prospective > OpenVPMS users as well?
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