General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Insurance on check-out


One of our receptionists has mentioned the pop-up 'would you like to submit insurance' during the check-out procedure has disappeared. Is there a way to get that back?


Adding links to medical records


Inactivated Supplier Veterinarian


I think it was part of the most recent upgrade, but we've noticed that when you inactivate a supplier veterinarian, it also inactivates the clinic from the patient. This means that the patient no longer has any referring clinic details attached to them (they are there in inactive, but email address doesn't come up in the drop down list when you go to send a letter).

I think it previously had the clinic still attached but no veterinarian.

Just wondering how everyone deals with this. I think the options are:

notes on client or animal

I would like to find somewhere to put various notes on client - eg relative who minds the dog or comments on paying behaviour etc. Also partners name for contact. There could be similar issues for patient - eg biter or fearful.


How can this be done and where?

Estimates Report

Re Estimates Report: Does anyone regularly use this report and consider it to be useful? If so, can I have a chat as to how best to utilise this? 

Adding an image to an input field when creating a patient letter


We use one standard document for many procedures and use the input fields to personalise the letter. I would like to be able to add an image from file at this point, without opening the document, as the only way I can see to add an individual image to a patient letter is to open the document->insert->picture->from file.

To add the image at the time of creating the patient letter, I'm thinking something like having images saved as macros (ie the tplojpg is an image of a standard tplo)

Is there anything like that available or any other ideas?

Health Certificate/Vaccination Date

P had an appointment for Exam/Health Certificate to fly. P was vaccinated month's ago but the date on the certificate shows the exam date. Why doesn't it pick up the date the rabies vx was administered? I can't find a way to edit/correct. Can this be done? TIA

Advertising Links in Comments

Reminder to all users while we appreciate all comments and generally no censoring ever happens here - posting a comment and then including advertising links of no relevance - could result in account suspension and or ban. Particularly where that comment is on an old thread - what is commonly called necroposting.

Conditional Text


Sorry if this has been posted somewhere else, but my search only came up with posts from 2013.

Are the conditional text functions for male/female he/she?

I thought it might be something to do with the expr:if(openvpms:get(.,'sex')='MALE','M')

But I can't get it to work within a macro


concat('Please feed ', openvpms:get($patient,'name') ,' as much food as expr:if(openvpms:get(.,'sex')='MALE','he', 'she') wants ')

Reminder reporting in 2.0.x

Hi all,

I'm still trying to get my head around the reminder system in version 2.0.x after upgrading from 1.9.3. We have not utilised SMS or email reminders but relied on running a reminder report in the past to list all the reminders due each month. After upgrading, I'm having trouble with viewing reminders.

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