General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Summary Panel Upgrade

Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to find the posts that discussed the upgrade to the Summary Panel, we had lots of communication about it and I can't seem to locate it to see how it's progressing.

Can anyone give me an update or point me in the right direction?



You seem to have alot of notes on how to do things,
Do you have notes on how to merge clients together and how to merge patients together.
We just had a stray cat on our files that we have found the owner for and are having some difficulties merging the histories together.

Link between Medication and Stock

I 'm learning how to use the stock module in OpenVpms. I've got a simle question: "When you prescribe a medication, when does the stock is updated and reduced by the quantity of medication you used for a visit ?"
Do you know any good documentation on stock module ?
Thanks. Kind regards.

My thoughts re Tony's queries on v1.4 inclusions

Hi All,

Tony has broadened my initial query about smaller projects that could possibly be fast tracked into v1.4 (see his entry under sms project discussion)
In looking back through several pages of posts I can see the following list as being important enough to try and rush - even if only partly functional in the initial release and expanded on in further patches or releases:

- Improved Email Functionality - directly from client, email button from a document, email lists able to be exported

Customer classifications

Hi everyone,
Tony when we were talking during the recent seminar, you mentioned using Customer classifications instead of Identity codes to group customers for reporting purposes. Did you mean Customer Types?

Matt C

Available add-ons

Currently the website has an area for shared resources - would it be possible to have another area for people have developed add-ons that they are willing to share, but for a fee to recoup some of their costs. Many of the postings make references to things people have added which could be useful to a lot of other users.
Rather than pay another software company that does not know Open VPMS to re-invent the wheel I for one would be happy to pay a fee for some of these.

Bad Debt Write offs

Basic question here from someone with little business experience ( or interest)!
How does one write off a bad debt?

If the debt has been through the collectors and we have been advise that we should write the sum off, how does one do this?

Appreciate help.

Customer selection dialog behaviour (a few points)

Hi everyone,

This is my last post for tonight so your inboxes don't overflow!


Patient selection is carried through into Workflows

Anyone sometime find that they wished that the Patient that is used in the Customer search dialog is made the current selection?


1. Some calls for new appointment

2. Dbl click on schedule/worklist slot.

3. Find Mr Smith (Customer="Smit") with his pet Poopy ("Patient="Poop") in New appointment/task dialog.

4. Select correct Poopy Smith

Re: Out of Office

My apologies for any inconvenience, but I will be away from the office from 22nd September - 15th October. For anything urgent, please contact the Manager of Vets All Natural, Andrew Gleeson, on 0400225419, or email For any urgent veterinary matters, you can call my clinic on (03) 54725477.

Next and Previous Button

Is there possibility of a next or previous button. The idea of this is that if you click into a client and realise it is the wrong one same name different client you can click next or precious and it will go to the next client in the list.
It also helps if you are in a client file and looking at patient details and you want to go to the details of another one of their animals, without having to click back to client detail and pick the patient.

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