General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Estimates since going to 1.9.3



Have noticed since our last upgrade that you can't put a zero in the quantity field for an estimate.  

Previously, when we estimated something like a dental, we would often estimate -


1 x low / 0 x high = grade 2 dental

and then

0 x low / 1 x high = grade 3 dental


Now won't let us.

Warning about adding summary note not under the most current visit

Hi All,

A common new staff member mistake for us is that they will accidentally add patient summary notes under a previous visit rather than on the most current (open) visit.  This is a rookie mistake, but in a busy hospital it can be frustrating, especially with medical record locking active.

Could we have a warning dialogue box if you go to add a new medical record item that is not associated with the most current visit?

Adding leading zeros to bpay field in Invoice template

Hi everyone,

This is a question for the template experts out there.


We make use of the excellent $F{[party:getBpayId(openvpms:get(.,'customer.entity'))]} function in our invoice template. It generates our Bpay reference numbers. 

After a recent change in bank we have run into a new problem. In rare cases the generated reference number is too short. A work around is to add leading zeros to pad out the reference number length.

Validation rule for phone numbers

Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone knew how to set a validation rule for phone number that only allowed numbers [0-9]. Our staff have a disturbing tendency to write notes in there.....


Do I add an assertion descriptor, namely assertion.number?





Product Description and Name identical??

We have just recently updated to Openvpms 1.9.

We have been using the search bar in the "products" tab by typing in vowels only to find the products with the product description as the full name of the product.

With the new update the product description and name are identical and i'm struggling to see the point in this. Is there anyway to change back to the old system? Or anyway to make it so they don't come up identical despite being different in the product information?



Product Credit

Hi everyone,


Is it possible to give a client / patient a 'product credit'?  For example, I'd like to add 5 x hydrobaths so that if the client brings a [specific] pet for a hydrobath and we charge it out, OpenVPMS automatically gives a 100% discount and leaves 4 x hydrobaths.

So I don't want to give a dollar credit but rather a product specific credit.





Date of Payment

Hello All

Is there a way to change the date when paying accounts?  Being an ambulatory practice we get a lot of accounts paid via EFT and it would make accounting a lot easier if I could change the date of payment to the date the payment appears in the practice bank account.  



Import Error when trying to import Smart Flow Sheets


Since yesterday, we are not able to import Smart Flow Sheets. Any idea what the internal application error is?

Multiple lines of the same item in a product template


I can't find anything in the forums about this, so maybe I'm wrong.

When I invoice a Product Template that have the same item multiple times, it only invoices the item once.

For example, I have a template for post-op analegesia that includes the service fee of "post op analgesia" at a costed price, then 2 x methadone at a zero price/do not print line. When I invoice this, I get the post op analgesia and 1 x methadone.

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