General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Vetconnect Plus link in Patient Medical Records - Summary


I've also emailed Idexx about this, but perhaps it is something related to OpenVPMS rather than them.

I would like a link somewhere in the patient medical records summary or documents where you can click on an IDEXX inhouse pathology result and it would then give you another link (could just be the website link) for VetConnect Plus.

My ideal would be for the link you click to take to directly to the patient in VetConnect Plus (not the whole clinic list), but not sure how this would be done.

Counter Sales not finalising


I haven't used the OTC Counter Sale very often so this is hopefully very simple question for those that do.

Our counter sales are getting stuck In Progress or something even though the payment has been put through.

When looking at the customer side bar, the Overdue amount is $25 and the Current amount is -$25

There doesn't seem to be a way to clear this without reversing the transaction and invoicing it again.

Customer Aged Balance Report excluding clients with debt agreements


I would like to use a report (ideally the Customer Aged Balance Report, but can be something else if anyone has a better option), that prints a list of clients with a Balance >$0 except for the clients we have sent to Debt Collectors (not written off, but are getting slow payments through the debt collection agency).

I don't have these clients flagged as anything at the moment, but presume I can use the "Account Type" function somehow to alert that they are different and therefore exclude them from the report.

Raw SQL from the "Customer Account Balance.jrxml" report.

Trying to extract the raw SQL from the above report so I can make my own report, but when I open this "Customer Account Balance.jrxml" file, with either iReport or just Notepad++, I don't see any SQL statements, is this report baked into the application somehow? It has it's own section(OpenVPMS > Reporting > Debtors), instead of just being in the list under: OpenVPMS > Reporting > Reports.

We are on v1.9.1

Mapping client addresses onto google maps

Sorry if this has been asked before but I was wondering if there was a way to export client address details to enable them to be mapped onto google maps for example.  I've just been thinking it may allow us to target some advertising if there are areas in town where we are not known?

Which modem to use

We have just changed over to the on-line VPMS version and our current modem is not enables only one terminal to operate at a time; we have seven. The modem is a TP-Link. Could someone tell us which modem is recommended, what to purchase etc.

     thank you

  Jane Rickard

Hills District Vet Hospital

date of visit on record

If entering details of consult the day after I find it difficult to alter the "date of visit" . I can enter a date but it falls under the overall day of entry. I then have to go back and alter the date in the overall day. There must be a better way. 


vaccination certificates and desexing certificates

Can someone let me know where I can find an idiots step by step guide to setting up vacc certificates  and desexing certificates. When the dog or cat is desexed I want to print out something stating this has been done.



Slow response from concurrent login of users.

Hello everyone,

Firstly my apologies if this is the incorrect location to post this thread. 

I'm seeking technical support at the user level for a site I've been asked to support. I'm experienced in IT support, but new to Openvpms. 

I have a client with a server running Openvpms V2.0. It's a Windows 2012 box with 32gb of ram, mirrored 2TB mechanical hard drives (30% capacity used) and a quad core i7 chipset and Gb Ethernet. 

Smart Flow Sheet Configuration by Practice Location


Is it possible to have 2 different SFS configurations, so I can have different configurations at different practice locations?

Currently the SFS configuration is attached to the Practice, but can it be dropped down a level to Practice Location?

One of our practices want the notes from SFS  put into patient notes and the other practice doesn't.



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