General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

How to make searches "Start With"

One of the biggest staff complaints I'm getting since upgrade to 1.9.3 is the default change from start with to contains, especially in vet names and appointment reasons.

Unable to connect to OpenVPMS via webhop

I'm trying to open OpenVPMS using the usual webhop link and I keep getting the timed out error message.  In the past when this has happened it was because the IP address of the computer and IP address in DYN not matching.  I've checked this and all appears to be fine there.  Any clues to help me out on this one?  Cheers Liz.  Not the most computer savvy person in the world so please feel free to use your explanation for idiots words. 

Single medication / merchandise item with different service fees?

Hi All,

We have been doing a lot of the early testing and integration for Smart Flow sheet billing (which is now working well (YAY!) and will be part of the 2.0 release) and through this process it has highlighted an opportunity for improvement in the OpenVPMS software.

The problem for us is where we may want to charge a different amount for the same product in different situations.  Eg:  Buprenorphine inj (stand along inj) vs Buprenorphine oral vs Buprenorphine as part of a premed.

Getting ready for Friday's Meeting in Kensington

Hi everyone,

I'm really looking forward to meeting many of you on Friday. I've been trying to come up with simple ideas that I might like to see in OpenVPMS in the last few weeks. I've come up with a couple and hoped that by dropping them here, it might ferment some further creativity from imaginations of us all.


- System wide Email address book

- Image thumbnails in histories 

- Optional tickbox on letter dialog that allows social media links 

How to Apply a Line Item Discount

I've just upgraded from 1.7.1 to 1.9.3 over the weekend.  Initial thoughts are that it seems that there are more clicks to do anything (I thought the plan was to go the other way!).

I'm disappointed to see that there is still no invoice line item rounding, and what makes this worse is that there is now no invoice line item discount field anymore so we can't even round by applying a discount.

Appointment booking date/time

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if it is possible to see when, as in the date and time, an appointment was booked.



Letter Fields


I am looking to put a few fields in letters and having some difficulties. I can usually work things out from archetypes but struggling this time. Could just be tired.

In particular I need to put in:

- Clinician email address

- Clinician quantification

I also want to add or subtract sections based on clinician used to generate the letter. Using open office. E.g. we do this with location now. But I want some sections to be hidden based on location and others to be hidden based on clinician.

Tips appreciated.


SMS templates


Is there capability on v1.9 to have a template for SMS?

We would like to be able to have something like a dropdown box to click on so that we can send a SMS out to clients to confirm their appt for the next day. ie. not a normal reminder via SMS which we already do.



Product (vaccination) next due date on certificate

Hi There 

How can we get Next due date item on the vaccination or proheart injection certificate?




Automatically adding surcharge for Amex credit card


Is there any way to automatically add surcharge when selecting American Express credit card in pay by credit card section?



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