General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Generate report for unused estimates

My nurses came up with this idea today...


Would it be possible to generate a report of the contact details, estimate name and pet details for every person given an estimate (and not had that estimate invoiced out) for a certain time period?


For example, we hand out a lot of estimates for dental work.  Approx 50% of people book at the time of recieving the estimate, the rest disappear into never-never land and then the next year we see the dog the teeth are getting worse...

Patient Medical Records Printout

Hi everyone, just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.....

A collegue has left us and I want to change the header in the printout of the Medical records but not sure where I need be to do this - in Open or is it in ireports, if the later then I am not sure where the report located in Open. I can change the Header of the Vaccinations  and Invoices through I report ... also I pressume would find the Header for Estimates in the same location?

Thanks for your time, Anna

Cash Drawer


I'm hoping for some advice on how to set up our cash drawer.

Do I need to purchase something? I have a Cash Drawer Trigger from years ago (photo attached) is this what I need or do I need to purchase a new printer?


Print Button


I've had a request from staff that the Print button for Drug Labels is in a different spot after the upgrade to OpenVPMS. It's a little thing, but they sometimes have to scroll over to see it. Is there anyway it could be in a more obvious spot?

If I make change the number of characters in the Batch archetype, will that help?



patientClinicalEvent a4

Hi All

I try to add the "PatientClinicalEvent a4" to my template but it keeps showing a message with "please make sure it is saved to be compatible with Jasperreports 3.7.6

On TIBCO Jasper soft stodio I've tried to add 3.7.4 version as there was no 3.7.6 but still keep getting error message on Jasper stodio too and when I push the Preview button it says Document is empty.


Appreciate your help



Ben Ajilian



2 Product issues with 1.8

Hi All

I have noticed two issues with the latest 1.8 release in Products

1. After creating a Batch for a product.  When you choose the Batch number you want on the invoice, UNLESS you click APPLY the batch number disappears.  Are you supposed to click APPLY or is this an error?

2. When changing the COST price of any product it also changes the Max Discount amount you have entered.




'Never Order' box ticking for stock unavailable

We regularly have stock going unavailable and then don't want it coming up on the order every time, requiring every item to be deleted (to give you an idea, at the moment there are at least 12 items that are on short supply). Ticking the 'never order' box doesn't seem to have any effect on it, only if you change the 'critical' and 'ideal' values to zero - this option is quite time intensive and means you have to then change all back to what you wanted when the stock becomes available again.

Refunds look like a positive figure


I may not be understanding this properly, but last night I did a refund for a client who had a $0 balance. I refunded her $300 on credit card.

I went to Customer -> Payments -> New -> Refund -> Credit Card -> Add -> 300.

Now it looks like she owes $300 as the number is $300 rather than $-300

I understand that when I create a new charge "credit" it will sort this out, but I thought I'd comment that it looks confusing until that happens. I think the number needs to be a negative to make it more obvious. 

Supporting OpenVPMS Projects

It actually has been a while since I posted a forum post and some of you may be wondering why I haven't been visibly active on the forums.

How to filter using OR in filter boxes

G'day all,

I've tried a few variations on 'or' statements in a report filter box with no joy.  What is the correct syntax?

The immediate application is to tidy up some mis-named products using the Product List Report.  For example we have products in the same brand with names beginning with "r/c" and "Royal Canin" and would like to see them all on one report.

While I'm asking: What about AND useage?  Would this also work in other search bars for on-screen displays eg customers, patients etc?

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