General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

print out of transactions for client

I would like to print out for a client the transactions and for her multiple animals over the past few months. The purpose being for her to claim back from the supporting organisation.


How is this done?



Ontario Canada Users

I am just considering changing hospital administrations programs. OpenVPMS seems like a good choice. Is there anyone within driving distance to visit their location and learn from them for initial installation. I am located north of Guelph Ontario

cloud version, AWS, VPN and how it all fits

I have recently had the cloud version of VPMS installed and it is great as long at something called the VPN is working. I have used Amazon web services.  I have no idea what the VPN is - is if part of Amazon? (AWS). I assume I will have to get an IT person to explain this but if there is someone to explain how all this fits together I will be grateful. 


The problem is that if the VPN drops out I cant use VPMS. Where is the VPN, who fixes it and how can I reconnect if it drops out?


Chris Godfrey

cloud version, AWS, VPN and how it all fits

I have recently had the cloud version of VPMS installed and it is great as long at something called the VPN is working. I have used Amazon web services.  I have no idea what the VPN is - is if part of Amazon? (AWS). I assume I will have to get an IT person to explain this but if there is someone to explain how all this fits together I will be grateful. 


The problem is that if the VPN drops out I cant use VPMS. Where is the VPN, who fixes it and how can I reconnect if it drops out?


Chris Godfrey

printers and label printers

I am about to install a label printer and also need to find where printer connections and problems can be checked - for standard printing. eg will not print from "print" spot - have to go via preview.



adding multiple phone numbers

How do you add additional phone numbers?

I have tried several times and the instructions are not clear at all.



Rounding Prices



Is there anyway to set prices to round to say the nearest ten cents?

This would save a lot of time going in and manually changing prices when doing price rises etc.

Would be interested in contributing to this if it could be done.




Zoetis-OpenVPMS collaboration on stock control?

Zoetis recently decided to sell products direct to vets rather than thru traditional vet suppliers, with no consultation in advance. This has caused significant difficulties with extra time wasted on stock control where previously OpenVPMS was fully integrated with most suppliers, in our case Provet. Zoetis claim that integration with OpenVPMS is a "high priority". Can you advise if there has been any contact from Zoetis regarding this important matter?

Organising products in size order

Hi - not sure if I am going to explain this correctly but I would like to have preventatives in size order making them easy to find when we search for a product


revolution <2.5kg 3 pk

revolution 2.6-5kg 3 pk

revolution 2.6-5kg 6 pk

revolution 5-10kg 3 pk

revolution 5-10kg 6pk

currently they do not appear in logical weight order and if I try to double space to make a product go down the list it does not save with the double space.... I have attached how revolution looks on our system.

Resource URLs

The extension that was added to the letterhead templates allowing URLs for an image resource was great but I think it could be extended

Rather than using a fixed url - use a resource url that the  image name is attached too

This allows the use of  a relative url  resource whenever an image needs to be added to a form.


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