Submitted by Guest on Mon, 22/04/2013 - 14:08
This section contains information on various concepts used in OpenVPMS. It is also functionally a glossary of terms used in the system.
The sub-sections are ordered aphabetically.
- Accounting
- Active/Deactivated
- Addresses
- Alerts
- Barcodes
- Categories and Classifications
- Contacts
- Deposit Accounts
- Discounts
- Documents
- Error Handling
- Estimates
- IDs
- Identities
- Insurance
- Investigations
- Local Procedures
- Macros
- Messages
- Names
- OTC - Over The Counter
- Payment Types
- Practice and Locations
- Prescriptions
- Pricing
- Pricing Updates
- Printing
- Problems
- Products
- Reminders
- Reports, Forms, Letters and Documents
- Schedules, Work Lists and Workflow
- Stock Control
- Suppliers
- Taxes
- Tills
- Users
- Visits
- Workspaces
- Printer-friendly version
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