File Name Format
Submitted by tanderson on Sun, 06/07/2014 - 22:58
This screen allows you to create/view/edit a File Name Format.
These are used to format the names of documents generated from a Document Template.
The fields are as follows:
- Name - the format name
- Description - a description of the format
- Expression - the xpath expression to format file names
The expression is provided with:
- a $file variable. This represents the file name of the original template, minus the extension
- the object that the template is being applied to e.g. act.customerAccountChargesInvoice, act.customerAccountPayment, act.patientDocumentLetter, act.customerDocumentForm, act.supplierDocumentAttachment
- a $patient variable, if a patient is linked to the act
- a $customer variable, if a customer is linked to the act, or the owner of the patient, if a there is only a patient present
- a $supplier variable, if a supplier is linked to the act
To ensure that generated file names are valid, any illegal characters such as \, /, :, *, ?, <, >, and | are replaced with underscores.