Create/Edit Investigation
This is the screen used to create/view/edit investigations. For background see Concepts|Investigations.
The fields are as follows:
Start Time - the date on which the investigation was initiated
Investigation Type - the type of investigation - these are set up via the Administration|Types|Investigation screen
Notes - you can enter any appropriate notes
Status - this will initially be 'In Progress' - for other settings see Concepts|Investigations
Order Status - the status of the order. This will initially be 'Pending' to indicate that the order has not been sent. For other settings see Concepts|Investigations
Clinician - the associated clinician
Report - use the Select button to add the results report to the investigation. Note that if there is an existing report and you add another, the first will be pushed down into the Versions tab. You can upload any sort of file at all. If you are using the automatic facility (see Concepts|Investigations) to attach investigation results, then you should not have to use the Select button to attach results.
The Print Form button is used to reprint the Investigation form.
The Versions tab is used to display and manage the versions of the reports. Normally the Add button is not needed - as discussed above you just use the Report|Select button to add a new version of the report. The display area shows the previous versions in a column format. Selecting a version causes its fields to be displayed (and these are the same as above). The column headings are:
Date - the date of the version
Description - this showns the Notes field
Document - this shown the results file - you can click on it to download and display it.