Create/Edit/View Service
This is the create/edit/view screen for products that are Services.
The fields are as follows:
Id - the ID of the product
Name - its name
Printed Name - the name that will be displayed when the invoice etc is printed. If omitted, then the Name will be used.
Selling Units - the units by which this is sold (eg Unit, Hour, Day, etc). The available choices are set by the Administrator|Lookups|Units of Measure screen. Note that for most services, this can be left at the default (normally Unit), and it only needs to be set for services like Boarding and Theatre Time that will be sold in quantities other than one.
Type - this is used to set the Product Type - see Concepts|Products. If you are using product types, then you really need to set the type for every product.
Product types can be arbitrarily created by your administrator. These product types are distinct from product classes (Merchandise, Service, Medication). Instead, these can be used to group products according to discounts and tax types for instance. See Administration|Types|Product Type.
Use only in Templates - if ticked, indicates that the product can only be used in charges and estimates via a Product Template.
Patient Identity - used to indicate that a Microchip, Pet Tag, or Rabies tag should be added to the patient when the product is charged.
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the product
See Tabs for a description of the fields in the various tabs.