Submitted by Guest on Sat, 13/03/2021 - 13:04
The Administration|Organisation screen is a select screen that allows you to select the specific Organisation Type to be viewed or maintained. Below is the screen as initially displayed but with the Organisation Type pull-down list showing.
Note that if you do edit Administration|Organisation items (say to change an email address), then the new values will not become available until the next time you log on (because these organisation settings are fetched once at logon time to improve performance).
Each Type has its own view/edit screen.
The buttons are as follows:
New | create and edit a new instance of the selected type |
Edit | edit the selected instance |
Delete | delete the selected instance |
Register | Regisers the selected EFTPOS terminal with an EFTPOS service. |
Synchronise Insurers | only applicable when the selected instance is an Insurance Service. Adds, updates or deactivates insurers managed by the Insurance Service. |
- Calendar Event
- Clickatell
- Deposit Accounts
- Insurance Service
- Mail Server
- Practice
- Practice Location
- Roster Area
- SMS Configuration: Clickatell SMTP Connection
- SMS Configuration: Generic Email Gateway
- SMS Configuration: SMSGlobal Email2SMS
- Schedule
- Schedule View
- Service Ratio Calendar
- Stock Location
- Till
- Work List
- Work List View
- Confirm Delete
- Confirm New