This screen allows you to create/edit/view the details for each Product Type. Each Merchandise, Medication, and Service Product can be given a Product Type. These allow you to:

a) determine how the product appears on the invoice
b) set different taxes by product type
c) set different discounts by product type

The fields are as follows:
Product Type - it's name
Description - you can use this to clarify the type of product
Invoice Sort Order - the lower the number set here, the earlier the item appears on the invoice. See below.
Detail on Invoice - untick this box if you want all the invoice items of the same type combined as one line item on the invoice. See below.
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the Product Type
Pharmacy - this is only required if you use the HL7 facility where it is used the set a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Group for all products of this Type
Synchronise with Smart Flow Sheet - determines if products of this type will be synchronised with Smart Flow Sheet.

Taxes tab
This is used to display/set the taxes applicable to the Product Type. To adjust, click the tax in the Available or Selected box and then click the > or < button respectively.

Discounts tab
This is used to display/set the discounts applicable to the Product Type. The fields are as follows:
Discount - enter the Discount Type or click the binoculars to select one. Note that you cannot attach Discount Type Groups to a Product Type, only a Discount Type. You can add one or more.
From Date - the date from which the discount will apply
To Date - the date to which the discount will apply - left unspecified this means 'forever'


Invoices and Product Types

If you are using the standard invoice documents (or customised ones based on the standard versions), then invoice format depends on the 'Use Product Types' setting in the Letterhead record. If this is unchecked, then the Product Type is ignored.  If it is checked then:

  1. the line items are grouped by patient, date, then by Invoice Sort Order, then by product name.
  2. if Detail On Invoice is not checked for a given Product Type, then the product line items with that type are not displayed and only the total for the Product Type is shown. If the total is zero the line will be suppressed.  Hence if you have some 'no charge' products (such a dummy products used only to create a set of reminders) then you can assign them Product Type 'No Charge' and set this without the Detail On Invoice flag set, and if all the No Charge products do in fact have no charge, then the No Charge line will be suppressed.
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