Stock Management
The Stock Management screen enables you to search for and display stock management transations, i.e. stock adjustments (where you are increasing or decreasing the stock of one or more items in a given stock location) and stock transfers (where you are transferring quantities of one or more items from one stock location to another).
You can also export and import stock quantity information - this is useful for stocktaking. You export the data for the Stock Location and products to be counted, then count the stock and update the New Quantities in the CSV file and then import it to generate a Stock Adjustment transaction which you can then Finalise to adjust the stock quantities.
A typical screen is as follows:
The top half of the screen is a standard select screen. The bottom half shows the details of the selected transaction. If you need clarification of the field contents, see Stock Adjustment and Stock Transfer
Buttons: For an 'In Progress' transaction the available buttons are shown above. For a 'Posted' transaction, only the New and Print buttons are shown (because one cannot Edit, Delete or Finalise a posted tranaction).
The Finalise button applies the stock changes and sets the status to 'Finalised'.
Note that there are no reversal transactions to correct incorrect transfers and adjustments. To reverse a transfer you just use another transfer with the To and From locations swapped. To reverse an adjustment, you just use another adjustment with negative quantities.
Export - initiates the Export Stock process.
Import - initiates the Import Stock process.
The Export and Import options are only available to users with authorities to create and save Stock Adjustments. This includes administrators, and users with the Stock Manager role.