This screen displays the estimates for the current customer - or if there is no current customer, a Select button is allowing you to select a customer. See Concepts|Estimates for background.
The top half of this screen functions like a standard select screen. As well as by date, you can select by:
Status - this can be set to All, Cancelled, Completed, Finalised, In Progress or Invoiced
The item area displays the matching estimates. The column headers are self explanatory. Note that the Description column is always blank. You can click on any column header to sort by that column.
The bottom half of the screen displays the selected estimate, its line items, and the details of the selected line item.
Click here if you need information on the Items fields or Customer Notes tab.
The buttons are as follows:
New - create a new estimate
Edit - edit the selected estimate
Delete - delete the selected estimate - a confirmation window will appear
Finalise - change the status of the selected estimate to Finalised - a confirmation window will appear. Finalising the estimate locks it from any further changes. If you confirm the Finalise, then a print window will open allowing you to print or email the estimate.
Print - print the selected estimate
Copy - copy this estimate to create another one
Invoice - generate an invoice from this estimate - the values used to create the invoice will be the 'high' estimate values.
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