Implementation Checklist

The following is a checklist for existing users upgrading to the 2.4 release and is aimed at both the person doing the upgrade and the administrators responsible for systems operations. 

It provides a list of things that you may need to do in order to take advantages of the new features in this release.

MySQL Users

OpenVPMS now requires two MySQL users when connecting to the database; a read/write user (default

'openvpms'), and a read-only user (default 'openvpmsreport').
These can be configured running:

  • toolbox configure
  • toolbox database --setup-users -u <admin-user> -p

The <admin-user> argument is a MySQL user with administration privileges.

The read/write user can also no longer be used for the toolbox database --update command. This requires a MySQL user with administration privileges, specified using the new -u argument:

    toolbox database --update -u <admin-user> -p


The read/write user has fewer authorities than in prior releases.
It may no longer be used to back up the database.
Use the MySQL administration user for this purpose.


If OpenVPMS is hosted behind a proxy or load balancer, Tomcat needs to be configured to pass the correct client IP addresses through.
See Tomcat Configuration for details.

Document template updates


The following document templates were updated:

  • reports/Letterhead/<size>/Letterhead.jrxml

    Updated to use the Logo from Letterhead, and to support long practice names.
    See OVPMS-2520, OVPMS-2913

  • reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Desexing Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Microchip Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Prescription External.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Rabies Vaccination Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Referral Letter.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Vaccination Certificate with reminders.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Vaccination Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Medical Records/<size>/Prescription.jrxml

    Updated to insert the clinician signature if present.
    See OVPMS-2605.

  • reports/Customer/Invoice/<size>/Invoice Items.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Invoice/<size>/Invoice Items-PT.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Estimate/<size>/Estimate Items.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Estimate/<size>/Estimate Items-PT.jrxml

    Updated to include the product Printed Description, if present.
    See OVPMS-2860

  • reports/Reporting/Reminders/A4/Customer Grouped Email Reminder.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2681
  • reports/Customer/Email/Customer Base Email.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Invoice Email.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Receipt Email.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Refund Email.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Statement Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Base Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Estimate Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Owner History Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Referral History Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Desexing Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Euthanasia Consent.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Microchip Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Prescription External.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Rabies Vaccination Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Referral Letter.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Surgical Admission.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Vaccination Certificate.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Vaccination Certificate with reminders.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Grouped Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Last Dose Products Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Next Dose Products Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Products or Reminder Type Name Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Single Collection Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Single Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/<size>/Customer Grouped Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/<size>/Patient Collection Overdue Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/<size>/Patient Collection Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/<size>/Patient Desexing Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/<size>/Patient Grouped Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/<size>/Patient Single Overdue Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/<size>/Patient Single Reminder.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2853
  • reports/Customer/Email/Customer Invoice Email.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Receipt Email.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Refund Email.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Statement Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Base Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Estimate Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Owner History Email.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Email/Patient Referral History Email.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Grouped Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Last Dose Products Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Next Dose Products Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Products or Reminder Type Name Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Single Collection Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Single Email Reminder.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2877
  • reports/Customer/Statement/<size>/Statement.jrxml
    reports/Customer/Email/Customer Statement Email.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2880
  • reports/Patient/Documents/<size>/Fit to Fly Certificate.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2917
  • reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Last Dose Products Email Reminder.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reminders/Email/Patient Next Dose Products Email Reminder.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2887
  • reports/Patient/Investigation/A4/Investigation.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Investigation/A4/Investigation Images.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Investigation/A4/Investigation Result Items.jrxml
    reports/Patient/Investigation/A4/Investigation Results.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2948

For sites using standard templates, these can be loaded using:

toolbox template --load documents --size <size>

where <size> may be A4, A5 or Letter. This will load all document templates, so should not be run on sites that customise these. Sites that customise these should refer to the above for the changes required.

Alternatively, templates can be loaded separately, using the following commands:

toolbox template --load 'Letterhead' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Letterhead-A5' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Desexing Certificate' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Microchip Certificate' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Prescription External' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Rabies Vaccination Certificate' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Referral Letter' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Vaccination Certificate' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Prescription' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Invoice Items' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Invoice Items-PT' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Estimate Items' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Estimate Items-PT' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Grouped Email Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Base Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Invoice Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Receipt Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Refund Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Statement Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Base Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Estimate Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Owner History Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Referral History Email' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Euthanasia Consent' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Surgical Admission' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Vaccination Certificate (Reminders)' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Grouped Email Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Last Dose Products Email Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Next Dose Products Email Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Products or Reminder Type Name Email Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Single Collection Email Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Single Email Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Grouped Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Collection Overdue Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Collection Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Desexing Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Grouped Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Single Overdue Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Patient Single Reminder' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Statement' -size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Fit to Fly Certificate' --size <size> 
toolbox template --load 'Investigation' 'Investigation Results' 'Investigation Result Items' 'Investigation Images' --size <size> 

Report template updates

The following reports were updated:

  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Financial/<size>/Practice Summary_ProdSalesLocation.jrxml
    reports/Reporting/Reports/Financial/<size>/Practice Summary_ProdSalesType.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2824
  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Customer/<size>/Customer Sales Report.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2891
  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Product/<size>/Stock Movement Report.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2890
  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Product/<size>/Stock Valuation Report.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2889
  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Customer/<size>/Customer Discount Report.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2863
  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Financial/A4/Practice Summary_CountApptsClinician.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2919, OVPMS-2929
  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Financial/A4/Practice Summary_CountApptsType.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2919


  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Product/A4/Restricted Drug Sales Report.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2916
  • reports/External/PetSure/A4/PetSure Pre-Approval.jrxml
    reports/External/PetSure/A4/PetSure Pre-Approval Email.jrxml
    reports/External/PetSure/A4/PetSure GapOnly Pre-Approval.jrxml
    reports/External/PetSure/A4/PetSure GapOnly Pre-Approval Email.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2924
    (NOTE: these are treated as reports simply for loading convenience. They are unlikely to be customised).
  • reports/Reporting/Reports/Customer/A4/Customer Product Sales Report.jrxml
    See OVPMS-2953

For sites using standard templates, these can be loaded using:

toolbox template --load reports --size <size>

where <size> may be A4, or Letter. This will load all report templates, so should not be run on sites that customise these. Sites that customise these should refer to the above links for the changes required.

Alternatively, templates can be loaded separately, using the following commands:

toolbox template --load 'Practice Sum. Poduct Sales by Location' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Practice Sum. Poduct Sales by Type' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Sales Report' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Stock Movement Report' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Stock Valuation Report' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Customer Discount Report' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Practice Sum. Count Appointments by Clinician' --size <size> 
toolbox template --load 'Practice Sum. Count Appointments by Type' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'Restricted Drug Sales Report' --size <size>
toolbox template --load 'PetSure Pre-Approval' --size A4 
toolbox template --load 'PetSure GapOnly Pre-Approval' --size A4 
toolbox template --load --size A4 'Customer Product Sales Report'



OpenOffice no longer needs to be specified in the system PATH, and will be located using the default installation path. If there are multiple installations, or OpenOffice is installed in a non-standard directory, the installation path should be configured via Administration - System - OpenOffice.

Password Policy

For improved security, new passwords must conform to a practice wide Password Policy.

To ensure existing passwords are updated, use the toolbox user --force-password-change --all command to force users to update their passwords when they next login.

Administrators are required to change their passwords when upgrading.

Scheduling performance improvement

The Max Duration field of Schedules should be set to in order to improve response times in Workflow - Scheduling.

For day schedules, Max Duration should be no longer than 24 hours. For boarding schedules, it should be no greater than the maximum boarding period.

WARNING: setting the Max Duration less than the maximum length of historical appointments and calendar blocks may prevent them from being displayed in Workflow - Scheduling.
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